Romance..Music..Mountain Colors of Green and Blue at The GrandView!!

Prime Rib- The grand champion of beef roast, a GV favorite served with au jus and creamy horseradish

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Did you know….

Prime rib is a classic roast beef preparation made from the beef rib primal cut, usually roasted with the bone in and served with its natural juices (au jus).

Restaurants that serve prime rib are required to use beef that has been graded prime by the USDA. Otherwise they have to call it a standing rib roast, which is decidedly less exciting sounding, or a rib-eye roast for the boneless version.Generally speaking, meat that’s graded prime is tender and has a generous amount of marbling. But if you make prime rib at home you can call it anything you want.(

Today’s Restaurant

GrandView – Mount Hamilton, Ca

Average Cost

Appetizers around $13, Dinner plates around $45. Happy Hour Menu about half price for all of this!!

Rating (1-10)


Recommended Dishes: 

Prime Rib, Pollo Parmigiana, Calamari

Pollo Parmigiana- Mary’s organic chicken breast, lightly breaded, topped with meltedmozzarella, San Marzano marinara, served over spaghetti pomodoro

So it’s my 1 year engagement anniversary and I was looking for a nice romantic place to take my fiance for a fabulous evening.

My usual source for finding great restaurants in my area is OpenTable.Com so I decided to take a look for some exotic ideas. You can set reservations from their website and also see a wide variety of elegant restaurants based on your price range which makes this a great place for research and making a decision.

I found a restaurant that I have not yet experienced with a view over the entire South Bay with awesome reviews for the food and the atmosphere. Sounds like the place for me!

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